Snowboarding at Muju on New Year’s Day

Since I had New Year’s Day off, some friends and I decided to go snowboarding at a resort about two hours away. I’d snowboarded before in Maine, but this was a good seven or eight years ago and I had no idea how decent I’d be.

I had opted20140101-142146.jpg not to party on new Year’s Eve since I knew I had to be up at 5am. Being the idiot that I am I stayed up all night anyway. I got two hours of sleep before I had to get ready for the trip. Half dead and 100% zombified, I boarded a bus at 6:45 am and headed off for the resort. I decided to rent a ski suit since the zipper on my fake North Face

8:30 at the mountain

8:30 at the mountain

coat had given up the ghost long ago.

The resort was absolutely packed since it was a holiday, and the slopes were crammed. We had to wait in line forever to get our equipment and my ski suit, but finally everyone was ready to head up for the first run on the intermediate slope (I thought I’d be better than I actually was). Suited up and looking like a snowman, we all headed to the top on an incredibly long but gorgeous lift ride. Watching the  sun come up over the mountains in Korea? Totally breathtaking.

I was complete garbage at first, as expected, but a friend of a friend was incredibly kind and spent a lot of his time teaching me what to do. I did three runs before falling hard so many times on the ice that I opted to sit out for the last two hours, eating chicken and resting my knees.

I have pretty severe bruises on my tailbone and knees from constantly losing my balance – looks like I got into a car accident. Even though I feel like death, what an incredible start to the new year it was! I love trying new things and  having adventures for the first time in my life. I’ve definitely got to work out my legs quite a bit more before I come back to Muju, but I will definitely be going back!