My Second Korean Apartment: Before and After

I used the same moving guy from the first moving catastrophe (remember my humiliation at the hands of the neighbor guy who had to help the screaming old man move my motorcycle because he wouldn’t let me carry anything because I am a woman? Yeah. That guy. Love him). Today he and I carried a queen size bed, a futon, several tables, and other items up to the third floor to my apartment. Because it’s my life we ended up breaking the metal plate off the top of the entrance to my apartment building. After frantically yelling at me in Korean, the hilarious old gent gestured wildly at the CCTV cameras. The race to put the metal plate back up to the seven-foot level it had fallen from with my 5’9 self and a 5’0 old Korean man was one of the more entertaining moments I’ve had in quite a while. We succeeded in covering up our crime and my apartment officially looks awesome!

Here’s the BEFORE video:

Here’s the AFTER video: